Frequently Asked Questions
1.What is CPI?
CPI stands for Certified Professional Innovator.
2. How do I learn to become a Certified Professional Innovator?
To become a Certified Professional Innovator, you should start by completing the online CPI course. If you’d like to learn more and hone your skills as an innovator even more, then you should sign up for one of our Jumpstarts.
3. How do I use the CPI website?
The CPI website is very user friendly. You can begin your course by setting up your profile. You should also take a look at the Important Concepts page so you can be familiar with these as they come up in the modules. The next step is to take the assessment. There are two options for the assessment and you may choose either one. After you have taken the assessment, you should begin the modules. With each module you’ll have a main lesson, topics and a quiz, after you have completed all the parts in the module, you will be able to move on to the next one.
4. How do I sign up for a Jumpstart?
All you need to do to sign up for a Jumpstart is contact us through our contact page.
5. Do I need to pay for the CPI website or Jumpstart course?
Yes, either you or your company will need to purchase the course you want before you can begin.
6. What is the difference between the CPI website course and a Jumpstart?
The CPI online course is worked through by the individual at their own pace. It imparts the fundamental principles of innovation: the building blocks you need to lead and manage innovation projects. At the end you will receive a Digital Innovator Certificate.
The Jumpstart is a part of the certification process to become a full CPI. This is where you learn to DO innovation under the guidance of a Master Innovator. You bring your real life innovation challenge to the 2-day course and receive coaching for 90 days with one of our instructors to create momentum and move your project forward. The instructor helps you with the real life issues that you encounter as you work on your innovation. You will need to do a final presentation. When this is completed you will receive a Certified Professional Innovator Certificate from the University of Michigan.
7. How do I receive my certificate for completing the CPI website or a Jumpstart course?
Your Digital Innovator Certificate will be emailed to you after completing the CPI online course.
Your Certified Professional Innovator Certificate will be mailed to you after a successful final presentation.
8. Can I work through the CPI website or attend a Jumpstart with other people I work with?
Yes! We encourage you to go through these courses with people you work with so as to create the greatest change in the innovation culture of your organization.
9. Is there someone I can contact if I have questions while I am completing the modules?
As you are working through the modules, you will be able to discuss the topics and ask questions through the forum on our website. Other participants in the course will be able to answer and explain things.
Our instructors also moderate webinars and monitor the forum conversations. You can also contact us.
10. Is there continuing learning after I complete the modules?
We constantly add new modules, videos, and materials to the CPI course. These new items are available to you at no extra cost. We also conduct webinars on a regular basis that cover a wide range of topics.
This website also allows you to build a community of innovators for you and others to share experiences and additional materials.
11. How can I contribute to the knowledge base and the learning experience?
If you have ideas of what topics you want to add to the modules or how to improve the course, contact us. We would love to hear your stories. You can join existing groups or create your own groups to help others and share your experiences.
12. Is it possible for the CPI program to be incorporated into other programs?
Yes, it is absolutely possible to incorporate this program into other ones. Please contact us to discuss further if you are interested.