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Shared Vision/Strategizing Workshop Kit


SKU: KIT003 Categories: , ,


The purpose of Strategizing is to assist your organization in “seeing the future first.” In other words, it helps your company to focus on seeing where future value is going to be created, as well as where it is being created at this time. By Strategizing, you will be able to find and evaluate existing and emerging opportunities and create the appropriate vision for the future. You will focus on the direction your organization needs to take and the core competencies you need to develop and focus on to capitalize on the opportunities and realize the shared vision. This kit includes materials for 10 participants.
  1. Materials: Shared Vision/Strategizing Worksheets, Innovation Genome Brochure, Innovation Genome Digest
  2. PowerPoint Presentation: Shared Vision and Futuring
  3. Online Innovation Assessment
  4. E-Book Downloads: Four Innovation Strategies to Forecast the Future, How to See the Future First


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